Monday, July 26, 2010

Another great swim party! I can't believe the summer is almost over. How am I going to function having to get up every day and leave my little Mama's Boy behind. Good thing he sleeps in. I'm not sure I'd be able to leave if he was awake and being cute already!

He has been refusing to take an afternoon nap lately though, which makes for grouchy screaming later in the day. Nothing a frozen GoGurt won't fix! What a miraculous invention!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Last night I dreamed that it was the first day of school. I was trying to teach, but Mike kept coming in and talking to the kids. I kept shooing him away, because I had things to do, but he kept coming back. I think sometimes dreams are symbolic. But sometimes, I think they just tell exactly how you feel...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tony & Jenn and the kids just left. I don't envy their 14 hour drive back home today. Not fun. We had a great time when they were here! All the kids wanted to do was swim, and I don't blame them! We had 2 great days of weather. No storms, but nice and overcast. Tony & Jenn wanted to go to J&K and Krazy Sub. Hope they lived up to all our raves!

Mason had a great time with his cousins, although he refused to nap, and he started a fun "screaming tantrum" where he screams and throws down the toy he's holding and screams some more. It's really a joy to behold. Really. I think the reason this surprises us is that he is always such an easy, perfect baby! He's so happy and good natured, always quick to give a smile. He's enjoying his summer, swimming all around the pool and having friends over for parties. Since I've been home for the summer, he really LOVES his Mama! I'm going to be sad to go back to work in a couple of weeks!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Today the girls came over to swim. Emma, Ashlyn, Gracie & Mason had a great time splashing in the 92 degree pool while Ashley, Erin, Joni & I chit-chatted. So fun! Mason got all tired out, and took a nap when they all left. That meant I had extra pool time -- just me and my book! I'm reading Cutting For Stone by Abrahan Berghese. So good. Just finished Half Broke Horses by Jeanette Walls, and it's one of my favorites for sure. Lily Casey reminds me a lot of my grandma. I wonder if they would have been friends if they had ever met.

Mason and Brandon are wrestling on the family room floor as I type. There's nothing better than the gut-laugh of a 17 month old little boy to make life seem so perfect.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Today I paid $400 for a 9 lb. poodle to get her teeth cleaned. It was worth every penny.

Curtains are like Kryptonite to Brandon.

I saw school supplies at Target yesterday. Yuck.

BP says the oil leak in the gulf has actually been blocked by a new containment cap. Gosh, I hope so!