Monday, January 15, 2007

I am the Pack Leader

The Dog Whisperer has changed my life. I think Cesar Millan is my new best friend.
I've been obsessed with TiVoing all episodes of the show, and have been watching nothing else. I think I'm almost caught up on all three seasons now. Meanwhile, I've been annoying everyone around me by spewing forth "the wisdom of Cesar."
Since he says basically the same things over and over again, I have taken to repeating them and applying them to unrelated situations. My favorite parts of the show:
• Daddy the pit bull, possibly the coolest pit bull alive
• Predicting what type of Jeep Cesar will arrive in (can you say product placement?)
• Rules, boundaries & that order
• Calm-assertive AND calm-submissive (both are good)
• Learning to bite your dog before he can bite you first
• Blue polo shirts in EVERY episode (can't the dog whisperer afford a wardrobe whisperer?)
• Cesar imitating the facial expressions and actions of the dogs (SO funny)
• Me imitating Cesar (even funnier)

So besides being quite entertained, I can now better control the dogs in my life as well as the sixth graders. I learned to be the pack leader -- calm assertive (insert goofy facial expression here).

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