Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Snacks for the road

In the crunchy category:
• Cheez-Its, not Nips. Nips are nasty.
• Goldfish originals (no oddly-orange cheddar)
• Teddy Grahams, because they're so cute
• Honey Wheat pretzel twists (just because they say "wheat" doesn't mean they're good for you)
• Honey Barbecue Fritos (then go breathe on someone)

This blog brought to you by my guilty conscience. I feel guilty for my last blog, which is totally negative and b!tchy. I feel guilty for not wanting to blog about anything worthwhile. And I feel guilty for loving carbs so much that I actually made a list of my favorites. Hmmm...I guess it all says something about me.

1 comment:

Miss Parker said...

WOW! Posting on the second day back! (obviously I'm no better with my "reading through blogs" on day 2...) (-: