Wednesday, July 26, 2006

oh, the pressure...

It's such a big deal to come up with a clever blog title -- one that will catch the attention of bored blog surfers. One that will make them stop, consider, and smirk as they feel hypnotically compelled to read whatever this witty blogger has to say. One that will...
Oh, who cares. In the end, I decided I don't really want random freaks reading my blog. So I settled for a boring name -- one that describes the things that consume my life at the current moment. What can I say? I have a pretty happy, uneventful life right now, and I love it (as opposed to my former soap opera life full of all kinds of unmentionable drama)!

Other BLOG titles I considered:

• I Wasn't Born with Enough Middle Fingers (for all the venting and complaining I'll inevitably do. this clever phrase borrowed from a Marilyn Manson song)

• Big Boo (the euphemism I used as a child when I had to go #2...incidentally, I didn't know the term was unique to my family until the age of 7. I recently told my brother I was going to make this my vanity plate.)

• WWMD? (a philosophical study of my so-called assertiveness, led by my friend Amanda whose brilliance is unmatched)

• Feel Free to be Controlled (get it?)

• Hooked, Lined, but not Sunk (this actually has a lengthy explanation. If you really want to know about it, you'll have to ask me in person)

• Musings (what a great word...)

1 comment:

Miss Parker said...

Yeah!!! I just read your blog and now I'm writing a comment!!! How fun is this!?