1. I am very secretive.
2. As a result, this list is going to be very difficult for me to write.
3. I am the youngest of six children, but since I came six years after my nearest sibling, I was raised almost as an only child.
4. I was obviously an "accident" even though my mom denies it.
5. I am a Scorpio.
6. I like to think that I'm one of the nice Scorpios.
7. I was raised in a very religious household, but I am no longer religious.
8. My religious past causes me much grief.
9. I am married to the most wonderful guy on the planet.
10. We met on eHarmony.
11. I used to be embarrassed about meeting online, since it's not something I would normally do, but now I freely admit it AND recommend it to others.
12. I am scared of heights, speed, and being out of control.
13. I force myself to go on roller coasters because I don't want to be "boring".
14. My favorite color changes between green and purple, depending on the day.
15. My favorite food is always anything Mexican.
16. I love to go out for sushi, but I don't really like it.
17. I'm very good at using chopsticks since my brother forced me to learn at age 9.
18. I can say random phrases in Korean, French, Japanese, Spanish, Finnish, Portuguese, German, and Chinese, but I only speak English.
19. I love to cook, but nothing too complicated or weird.
20. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a marine biologist or a teacher.
21. I became a teacher.
22. I'm still obsessed with whales.
23. When I was 7, I ran into a parked car on my bike because I was trying to create my own strobe light by blinking my eyes quickly while riding.
24. I love See's chocolate more than anyone should.
25. My dad died last year, and I think about him a lot.
26. Sometimes I talk to him in my mind just in case he can hear me.
27. When I was a kid, I was labeled "gifted", but I don't think I am anymore.
28. My mom always told me I could do anything. I'm only recently figuring out that it's not so.
29. I'm really bad at yoga. I have no balance but I like the meditation.
30. I love modern art, the stranger the better.
31. Speaking of strange, I'm a HUGE Prince fan.
32. I don't believe that things "happen for a reason". I believe that things just happen.
33. When people tell me they think "things happen for a reason", I don't tell them that I disagree.
33. I think the more you go through in life, the more tolerant you become.
34. I am secretly intolerant of intolerant people.
35. I'm trying to become less judgemental.
36. I appreciate beautiful language. I only wish I could create it myself.
37. I'm addicted to these TV shows (and my TiVo): Hell's Kitchen, Lost, 24, Scrubs, Las Vegas, and Desperate Housewives.
38. I'm a registered Republican, but I'm Democratic in most of my views.
39. I absolutely hate country music.
40. I make the best chocolate chip cookies ever. I also make a fabulous lemon meringue pie (my mom's recipe).
41. I love ice cream.
42. I have trouble with my weight and I'm afraid I always will.
43. I care way too much about people's perceptions of me.
44. I need constant attention and praise from my husband. Luckily he gives it freely.
45. I take friendship very seriously. All my friends are life-long.
46. I love shopping for shoes, but I only buy them if they're on sale.
47. I used to be a liar, but now I'm extremely honest.
48. I used to do a lot of things I find reprehensible now.
49. I am a procrastinator and a night person, which means you'll often find me busy getting projects done late at night.
50. I sing really loud in the car when I'm alone.
51. Sometimes I sing that way just to make my husband laugh.
52. I'll do just about anything to make him laugh, including act like a total idiot. My "car dancing" always gets him.
53. I will never get a tattoo.
54. I was always too scared to do any serious drugs.
55. I worked at Chili's as a server for 6 years.
56. Working in the restaurant business taught me a lot about life in the real world.
57. Consequently, I am a great tipper.
58. The word "bosom" gives me the creeps.
59. Physical violence of any kind makes me sick to my stomach.
60. I love massages and pedicures, but I hate facials.
61. I love to go out for breakfast, especially on Sunday mornings.
62. I love to travel, but I hate being in charge of the itinerary.
63. I got married in Maui and it was the best time of my life.
64. I went to the Bahamas and the Virgin Islands and actually thought they were ugly compared to Maui.
65. I cry at at the movies.
66. I cry when I get really frustrated.
67. I cry when I laugh too hard.
68. I put childbirth and death in the same category. Countless other people have gone through it, so I think I'll be fine when I do too.
69. I love babies and all the little faces they make.
70. I am very observant and intuitive about people.
71. I notice mouths first.
72. I have an overbite due to the fact that I refused to wear my retainers after I got my braces off.
73. I share a birthday with Picasso.
74. I can wiggle my ears.
75. As a kid, I watched Romancing the Stone so much, I could quote it.
76. To this day, I like to watch romantic comedies over and over again.
77. My favorite is You've Got Mail
78. My blood type is my outlook on life: B positive.
79. I played both piano and violin when I was young.
80. My childhood violin still has tear stains on it from my incessant crying during rigorous practices.
81. In junior high, I liked skateboarding and pro wrestling.
82. My mom still thinks I'm a girly girl.
83. I met Luis Gonzales after the 2001 World Series and told him he looked familiar (duh).
84. I can't wait to have kids.
85. I'm one of the few people I know that loves her job.
86. I don't know if I want to be a stay-at-home mom.
87. I get bored easily.
88. I always have too much to do, and I like it that way.
89. I appear very organized, but I'm reallly messy.
90. The condition of my house usually mirrors the condition of my life.
91. I love to sleep and take naps.
92. I can usually fall asleep within three minutes of lying down in bed.
93. I have always been a night owl, but I pretend to be a morning person too.
94. I love Starbuck's.
95. My idea of the perfect day includes reading a book and drinking a margarita in a hammock on the beach.
96. I love giving gifts.
97. I try to make other people feel good about themselves.
98. I'm always worried about my lipstick.
99. When I turned 29, I was a little depressed. When I turned 30, I refused to admit it.
100. I still have too many secrets.