Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Summer Vacation, Part 1

(with love to the book Fortunately by Remi Charlip)

Fortunately, summer vacation began! Yay! This is the best time for teachers!

Unfortunately, since I had been on maternity leave, this marked the downhill side of all my time off.

Fortunately, I have been having a blast with Mason (the cutest baby ever to be born). I love being a mom.

Unfortunately, the pregnancy caused me to get gall stones, which are very, VERY painful.

Fortunately, the doctor told me they could remove my whole gall bladder through one incision in my belly button and alleviate all my pain.

Unfortunately, it was still major surgery, and I had to suffer through about a month of attacks before I could actually get the surgery done.

Fortunately, I had Vicodin (and lots of friends and family) to help me through the recovery.

Unfortunately, Vicodin is not always enough.

Fortunately, my husband decided to cheer me up by buying me a pool.

Unfortunately, building a pool is quite expensive.

Fortunately, our stores are doing well and we have the money.

Unfortunately, one of our stores got robbed, which is costly and annoying.

Fortunately, the thieves cut themselves while breaking in, so the police have DNA evidence and a better chance of catching them.

Unfortunately, that still does not replace the cash and computers they stole.

Fortunately, a week later, we took our minds off our problems and escaped to a fun and exciting Colorado/Utah vacation.

to be continued...

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